Friday, September 18, 2009

an attempt at showing my book

I will do a better video when its finished


Lynne said...

hehehe it worked...sort of, I hadn't realised that I had the radio on in the background......It is a total fluke that I managed to post it here at all, I don't even know how I did it :-))

fauve gal said...

Ooh-motion and sound as well as pictures,whatever will they think of next? Seriously,it's fab,just try panning more slowly with the next one.
I'm very impressed that you managed to post it too!now I'll have to figure out how.:)

Lynne said...

Hi Deb...checking in....have you any moly action to report? :-))
I can see that you have been fully energised by the weather and are thoroughly enjoying yourself , its good to see new ( and huge ) paintings in progress the nights are getting darker sooner, and jumpers are being being worn....sigh........

Lynne said...
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fauve gal said...

Hi Lynne-you must be prescient,or psychic or....the coffee hasn't kicked in to the dictionary synapses of my brain yet this morning....anyway,I was just about to contact you,to say there has been some small progress.

I'm afraid I've only been enjoying myself with art at the weekends or at night, as the days are full with boring work-work.But I started on my final pages in your moly the other night and there is now a lady serpent god? ghost? emerging from the back of your goblin,rather like a hideous tail:)

Am actually a bit afraid to show you! I have the three images in my head that I want to fill the pages with and it will look better when they are interacting with each other.

Lynne said...

That sounds like fun! Ok I will have to be patient and wait for you to show me.... it seems so strange to be coming to an end......perhaps when the winter creeps up on you , you can consider another exchange ? :-)

fauve gal said...

Hi Lynne! I've done my final pages,finished at last!For some raeson the blog is refusing to upload the pics,i'll try again in a bit.
It is a bit sad to finish this one,I will be sorry to let it leave my hands and yes,I would like very much to do another moly with you,but as you suggest,not till next year,when I'm anticipating having more time to myself.