Hi Lynne! As we seem to be in a pink (not normally a fave colour of mine) spring mood,I thought I'd continue the theme.I used this pretty paper-not sure if the flowers are peonies or cherry blossoms,but my trees were inspired by Hiroshige's 'Plum Park in Kameido' 1857 woodblock print, from his 100 famous scenes of Edo.
Oh my goodness......is that cut out like your frontispiece? thats gorgeous....
No cutout,I drew the trees,only the 'cloud' ibises have been glued in on the left hand edge.
even better :-)
What have you decided about the number of pages? have you glued in 3 panels or have you added more this time?
I think I will add a goodly number in when mine arrives, and then see how it develops....I have a bit of a problem with the hard edge thing.....and then you can see how the mood takes you.....I would love for you to get carried away.... :-)
I've glued 3 pages(almost,ran out of paper,had to draw a tiny square to match it)of this blossom paper for you.As we seem to have started with pinks,it looks like Spring,so I thought we might as well continue and do summer next,then autumn and finally winter,which I am acheing to get to as we are in the midst of it, and it's hard to draw all this prettiness and colour, when all I can see out of the window are bare branches.
I'll just have to count the remaining pages,to decide whether I ask you to continue with spring or start on summer.
How rigidly do you want to stick to the tree of life theme you gave me on wiki?
Not at all,anything to do with trees will fit the bill,that's why I thought the wiki definition was so broad,but now that I've settled on the seasons,colour might be all that's needed to denote the change.
:-) thats why its so great that we can ping pong these books between us.....the "rules' are so flexible.....I am looking forward to Summer :-)
I was going to paper the whole book,work in advance,on 'my pages'and leave you to decide how many of 'yours'you wanted to fill in at a time,but I don't have all the papers I would like-also it's hard for me to judge which ones to use, until I see your entry.So far the pages are flowing really well,my 'bright idea' might stuff it up.
hahaha...this is fun, thinking ahead, planning our moves....it really is like a tennis match
I don't think there will be any 'stuffing up' we are flexible and adventurous......looking forward to it all...
That all sounds a bit serious,I'm running between the cooktop and the computer,getting distracted.
Honestly Lynne,looking at all your other moly entries,anything that you put in mine will be FAB!
Also I can understand your hesitation about the cutout/collaging.It feels so nice to just draw.But as I've started this one with the chyogami papers,I think I'll see it through to the end-have no idea if we'll ever be able to close the book though :)
Whoops,overlapped on that last one-yes,like a tennis match or a chess game,I really like the mental gymnastics side of the exchange :)
I have been thinking...(oh the strain ) perhaps you could give me a hint of the paper you are thinking of continuing with, so that I can make colour transistions so that everything isn't pink dominated.....
if you glue down your next set of pages I could make those colour decisions but not touch your pages?
Yes that's what I wanted to do Lynne,but was waiting to see what you will do with the paper I've laid down for you,the same blossoms paper.It's easy to draw/paint over,so if you wanted to start on summer and move into primaries that wld be fine,but if you find the pinks and ochres in the paper too 'Springy',pls continue with that.I may glue some pages in for autumn and winter,we'll see.I'm in the middle of another busy weekend,but will think about the book tomorrow and post it off on Tuesday.
I hope yours will arrive soon.
Absolutely beautiful work you are both creating here, and a real pleasure to read your posts!
There is something wonderful about two real artists collaborating in this way - you are obviously both very well suited to each other. I wish you continuing success with this excellent Moley X project :o)
Thanks David,that's really nice of you to say that :):)
I feel guilty because I still haven't been to your blog,it took so long to figure out how to use this,that I'm not fond of blogs yet,and it keeps wanting my password,which I keep forgetting, whenever I want to comment-grrr!
When I become blogsavvy,I promise,I'll visit you too!
Lynne,I drew my summer pages last night and have 6 pages of beautiful paper pasted in for you-will upload some pics soon.:)
oooo does that mean you have drawn extra and left me a gap to fill? curiouser and curiouser :-)
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