Monday, August 17, 2009

Hi Lynne! I've started back on your book today, with this image of our son and his then girlfriend( a couple of years ago when he was a Goth :) As you'll see on my flickr page,I've been experimenting with backgrounds as I just can't make it work on that red/grreen/blue/gold floral paper.Would you mind if I used a diff. background? This isn't pasted in-still experimenting.It's only 1/2 the space,the rest of your paper is still there for the 2nd figure.


Lynne said...

go for it Deb !!! :-)

fauve gal said...

You sure? I thought of putting this charming :) couple somewhere later in the book, but they fit so well with your white faced young man.The blue wave paper is ok,but not startling-if you prefer any of the others that I posted,let me know-except The Scream and pool of course,b'cos they wouldn't fit in with your fella either !

Lynne said...

I think I would prefer to have my harajuku/ japanese theme in the book, and lovely as they are, the other backgrounds don't really fit that (except the lovely japanese paper, but somehow that looked a bit rural for a goth couple.... ) the young couple where ever you fancy in the book Deb, a bit of too'ing and fro'ing of images is fine...a contrast after my white faced boy would be great, a light against his dark......its in your hands, I leave it to your judgement as to where you place them, be brave :-)

fauve gal said...

You're quite right.I just got carried away-it was such fun popping that image on every background that was at hand!I got a tiny inkling of why cartoonists/animators/manga artists, enjoy their work.I'm doing another harajuka young man with spiky hair next to my Goth couple,I think he'll blend ok with your paper.Then shall I continue on the green and gold paper after your 3 pink harajuka pages? If so, I have 2 interesting images to follow on with,in keeping with and then departing from,those pages.

BTW,everytime I comment, I have to type the wonky word and enter username and password,even'tho I don't log off-any ideas why?

Lynne said...

yes please do carry on with another entry after the sugary pink pages....give me an antidote ! :-)

I'm not sure why you have to type in the letters.....I have been through my other blogs and some I do , and others I don't ,and there doesn't appear to be anything we can alter in the settings either....curious..