Thursday, September 10, 2009

guest slot

Hi Deb....I have a favour to ask ( and postage will be an issue ) I have a book in another group, moly 54 and I have some pages left in it , would you consider doing some work in it for me? the theme of my book is wolves and I would love to see what you would do.....I could post it along with my book for the final additions in our exchange. Please please feel free to say no, I will understand :-)


Lynne said...

Deb, if you click on the link then click on the image so that it comes large size you can see all the entries in my wolf book so far ( they are in the narrow strip at the bottom of the photo....the book in its entirety...I will send it on to you..hope that you get inspired and won't expect it back in a hurry...thanks :-)

fauve gal said...

Hi Lynne,I've just had a proper look at the book,it's excellent,very harmonious ,with all the blues,blacks and greys and 'furry'paintwork.I suppose I could do a black and white linocut of a wolf,something along the lines of that little print I did of Mocha,only a bit fiercer.(Mocha behaves more like a pussy cat than a dog,half the time,hopping up on our laps at night for a cuddle,while we watch the tele,or rolling on her back constantly for a tummy rub.I'll hunt around for a more noble wolf image :)